
Aquarius 7

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Editor: Eddie S. Linden.
Advisory Editors: John Heath-Stubbs, Alan Smith, Gordon Heard, John Ezard, Cathy Tether.
Contributors: Martin Green, David…

Aquarius 1974

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Editor: Patrick Lowe.
Contributors: John Cooney, Dr Alex Lyons, Maire Mooney, Wolf Mankowitz, John Montague, Paul Freeney, Cyril Farrell, Wiltold…

Soundings 2

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Editor: Seamus Heaney.
Contributors: Dermot Healy, Ciaran Carson, Gerard Fanning, John Montague, Peter Fallon, G.C. Dawe, Michael Hartnett, Gregory…

Phoenix 11/12 Autumn & Winter 1973/4

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Philip Larkin Issue
A new poem 'Money' and worksheets of 'At Grass' plus critical articles.

Editor: Harry Chambers.
Contributors: Philip Larkin;…

Atlantis Number Six, Winter 1973/4

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Editors: Séamus Deane; Hugh Maxton;
Co-editor for this issue: John Dillon; Augustine Martin.

Contributors: Johannes Bobrowski; Josef Brodsky;…

Caret No. 7.

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Editor: Trevor MCMahon, William Peskett.
Contributors: Allan Peacock, William Dunlop, Lloyd Gold, Adrian Clarke, Grevel Lindop, John Ward, Gavin…

Cleaning Stables by William Peskett

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An Ulsterman Publication
Cover by John Middleton
From the collection of Brendan Hackett, with thanks.

Poems for Donalda by Ian Crichton Smith

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An Ulsterman Publication

From the collection of Brendan Hackett, with thanks.

An Imaginary Love Affair by Gavin Ewart

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An Ulsterman Publication

From the Collection of Brendan Hackett, with thanks.

HU Nov 73 - Feb 74

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Editor: Frank Ormsby. Contributors: Ewart, Daly, Young, Morrow, Phillips, Brown, Carson, McLaughlin, Paulin, Ireland, Pallister, McFadden, Greacen,…

Into the Wind by Kate Middleton

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An Ulsterman Publication

From the collection of Brendan Hackett, with thanks.

HU March - July 74

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Editor: Frank Ormsby. Contributors: Simmons, Ewart, Enright, Warman, Gill, Young, Matthews, Lavery, Morrow, McLaughlin, Smith, Carson, Buchanan,…

Threshold No. 25, Summer 1974

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Editors: John Boyd, Patrick Galvin.
Contributors: John Hewitt, Jack McQuoid, Leland Bardwell, Seamus Deane, Diarmaid O'Suilleabhain, John Montague,…

Caret No 5/6 Summer/Autumn 1974

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Editors: Trevor McMahon, William Peskett,
Contributors: John Ward, Jonathan F. Finch, Norman Isles, Donald Ward, Michael Foley, Anne Tannahill, Tom…

HU Aug - Oct 74

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Editor: Frank Ormsby. Contributors: Dunn, McCaul, Paulin, Peacock, Carson, McMullan, Daly, Lavery, McLaverty, Brown, Kelly, Burleigh, Lynch, Greacen,…

HU Nov 74 - Feb 75

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Editor: Frank Ormsby. Contributors: Ormsby, Ewart, Eastman, Harrison, Matthews, Forbes, Johnston, Greacen, Waterman, Williams, Young, McCoy, Muldoon,…

Phoenix 13 Spring 1975

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Final Issue

Editor: Harry Chambers.
New poems: Kenneth Allott; Alan Brownjohn; Stanley Cook; Gavin Ewart; Roy Fuller; Seamus Heaney; X. J.…

HU Mar - Jun 75

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Editor: Frank Ormsby. Contributors: Wilkins, Jordan, Poster, Allen, McCaughan, Morrow, Birtwhistle, O’Sullivan, Kelly, Young, Lavery, Daly, Jude the…

Caret 8/9 Spring/Summer 1975

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Editor: Trevor McMahon.
Contributors: D. Cant, Edwin Webb, Richard Austin, Yann Lovelock, John Hales-Tooke, Jonathan Carroll, Tom Tressler, Walter D.…

Threshold No. 26, Autumn 1975

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Editors: John Boyd & Patrick Galvin.
Contributors: Padraic Fiacc, Roy McFadden, Elaine Ford, Liam Murphy, Kathleen Glbert, David Marcus, Jack…

HU Winter 75

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Winter 75
Editor: Frank Ormsby. Contributors: Parker, Price Turner, Simmons, Ewart, Foley, Stephens, McLaughlin, Forbes, Middleton, Smith, Flintoff,…

LINES review 52/53

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Editor: Robin Fulton
Contributors: Padraic Fallon, Parkman Howe, Craig Tapping, John Montague, Frank Ormsby, Derek Mahon, William Peskett, Desmond…

Seamus Heaney: Stations

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Ulsterman Publications 1975

Paul Muldoon: Spirit of Dawn

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Ulsterman Publications 1975

Harry Clifton: Null Beauty

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Ulsterman Publications 1975

James Simmons: Memoirs of a Tour in Yorkshire

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Ulsterman Publications 1975

Theoretical Locations by Tom Paulin

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An Ulsterman Publication

From the collection of Brendan Hackett, with thanks.

Children of Ice by Patrick Williams

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An Ulsterman Publication
Cover by John Middleton
From the collection of Brendan Hackett, with thanks.

Arrowheads by Alan Peacock

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An Ulsterman Publication
Cover by John Middleton
From the collection of Brendan Hackett, with thanks.